노동이 사라진다
기술이 사람들의 일자리를 빼앗고 파산시키고 있다
낙원주의가 만들게 될 노동과 돈 없는 사회의 창출을 향한 초석
언론이 말하지 않는 진짜 쟁점
해결책은 매우 단순하다. And there aren't 50 of them.
Droids are taking our jobs and we have seen nothing yet!
In this TED conference Andrew McAfee speaks about the arrival of smart technologies that are taking over our jobs. It will be much faster than you imagine.
Worldwide boom in the robotics industry
The accelerating rate at which robots replace the human workforce will bring the end of capitalism.
Working is slavery
When somebody possesses you and you are obliged to work, you are slaves.